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Top 5 Australian schools with high graduate employment rate reviews

Australian schools with high graduate employment rate reviews 2023

                       Australian schools with high graduate employment rate

Are you are an English or not a speaker looking for graduate assistant employment in Australia? 

As a Speaker, These are things to do before applying to schools for employment as follows: -

As a non-English SpeakerThere are things you should do before applying to this Australian schools for employment as follows: -

  • learn and master the English with a trainer

Most schools in Australia, United States of America, United kingdom and Canada require Essay writing for bachelor's degree admission 

while research papers, thesis papers and business writing for post graduate degree studies.


These five schools have high graduate employment rate:

  1. University of Sidney
  2. University of Melbourne
  3. University of New South Wales
  4. University of Queensland
  5. University of Technology, Sidney

Facts about University of Sidney

Australian schools with high graduate employment rate

  • This university ranked fourth in the world and achieved its highest score for Employer Student Connections.

  • It boasts top 50 scores for every indicator, with its next highest score being for the Partnerships with Employers category.

  • It's active in hosting careers fairs, employer information sessions, workshops and other events to help students and employers network with each other.


Facts about University of Melbourne


Australian schools with high graduate employment rate

  • They achieved the highest score among all Australian universities for its Graduate Employment Rate that ranked 10th in the whole world. 

  • The university has recorded about four prime ministers in the country amongst their alumni.

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Facts about University of New South Wales

Australian schools with high graduate employment rate

  •  University of new south wales made it's way as a new entrant at 36th. 

  • 76% of their undergraduates find jobs within four months of graduating. 

Facts about University of Queensland Brisbane


Australian schools with high graduate employment rate

  • They received the highest score for partnerships with employers category.
  • The partnerships has boasted the higher graduate employment rate than the national average.

  • This university offers its students a free online employability course and has other initiatives to help maximize student's success.
  • Up from 51-60 to 49th in the world for graduate employability this year to show you how employable graduates of Queensland really are.

Facts about University of Technology, Sidney


Australian schools with high graduate employment rate

  • The university statistics shows that 76% of citizens that graduates are employed three (3) months after study with an average salary earning of AU$67,047. 

  • They run variety of career fairs and events, and offers students work-ready programs.

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