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SAT Test Scholarship, registration fee reviews

SAT Test Scholarship, registration fee reviews in Nigeria, India, Sri Lanka, Singapore 

SAT Test Scholarship and registration fee

Scholastic Assessment Test is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in United States with an abbreviation 'SAT Test'

Since it's first implementation in 1926, the name and grade has experienced a lot of changes.

At first, it was called the scholastic aptitude test and was later called the scholastic assessment test.

SAT Test Scores in Nigeria

Normally, students from India, Nigeria, Singapore, Sri lanka students who wrote this exam always expects their Scores two weeks after.
Once it is two(2) weeks after the exam, the college board will upload scores on account portals. 

Who is eligible to write SAT in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri lanka?

Anybody who meets the requirement during the registration and wish to earn a bachelor's degree certification in united states of America or any country is eligible. 

As long as you meet the requirements in your registration routine shows that you are eligible to participate in the Exams.

Difference between SAT Test and Subject Test in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri lanka

  • SAT Exam consists of  General Knowledge and critical reasoning. 

  • Subject Test is an exam for other subject like languages, history and mathematics.

SAT Exam registration fees in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri lanka students 

Test  without Essay is $52 + regional fees 

Test with Essay is $68 + regional fees 

PS - Additional fees by region(non-US regional fees).

Who is eligible for SAT scholarship in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri lanka

The scholarship is open to students with 60, 000 USD family income.

SAT Scholarship requirements in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri lanka 

Scholarship is for students whose families earn less than $60,000 a year. 

Whenever a student meets this requirement, they will earn an extra entry in monthly scholarship draws.

SAT scholarship worth in in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka 

It's worth more than $4 million but half of all scholarships (over $2 million) will be designated for students whose families earn less than $60,000 a year. 

How much will countries in Africa pay for SAT 

Countries in African Region will Register with $43

How much will countries in Americas pay for SAT 

Countries in Americas Region will Register with $43

How much will countries in East Asia or Pacific pay for SAT

Countries in East Asia or Pacific Region will Register with $53

How much will English speaking countries in Europe and Eurasia or non-English countries pay for SAT 

Countries in Europe or Eurasia Region will Register with $49

How much will countries in Middle East or North Africa pay for SAT 

Countries in Middle East or North Africa Region will Register with $47

How much will countries in South or Central Asia pay for SAT

Countries in South or Central Asia Region will Register with $49

SAT registration in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri lanka 

The Test registration with a phone is same every where.

SAT registration fee with my phone in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka 

It costs $15 to register the Test with phone any where in the world if you meet just one requirement.

SAT phone registration requirements in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri lanka 

The only requirement is that you have registered for the test before.

Then you will get your Score through the phone.

SAT extra registration fees in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri lanka 

Some test centers request for an additional fee of $24

Can I cancel SAT Test registration and get a refund in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka 

You can cancel both Center's and online Tests with $30 separately and get a refund five (5) days before the test date.

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