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SAT Score report registration reviews 2024

SAT Score report registration reviews in Nigeria, India, Singapore, Sri Lanka 2024

SAT Test score report registration guide

A lot of people after Test registration in Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Singapore, India don't even know that college board submits Scores for free to just four colleges of the applicant's choice.

Click HERE to start online SAT prep anywhere you are in the world with just $1!!! Hurry !!!Limited offer!!!

The Score report will help you understand how to go about the number of universities to apply for to minimize cost. 

Applicants will be asked to pay a fee for submission if their test Score is sent to more than four colleges. 

Four registration score reports will be available up to nine days after the test date for free.

Test Score report Fee waiver available in 2024

$18 Fee waiver available during SAT registration in 2024


What is the cost of additional SAT score report request in Singapore, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka 2024

All other additional score reports apart from the free four will require this fee per report. 

It costs $12

What is the cost of SAT rush order in Singapore, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka 2024

If you request for rush service, your score reports will typically be sent to colleges within two to four business days (not counting holidays and weekends).

The rush order before the normal time due to pressure will cost $31

PS: Additional score report fees (as described above) still apply on rush orders.

How to ace the SAT Essay in 5 steps in USA

What is the cost of sending SAT Test Scores by phone in Singapore, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka in 2024


Scores by phone are released according to the same schedule as online Test result. 

This service does not send scores to colleges any earlier.   


To get your score by phone, call Customer Service. 

You will need your test registration number (printed on your admission ticket), your birth date, a credit card number, and the card's expiration date.

Phone SAT score report will cost $15(per call)

What is the cost of archived (older) SAT scores order i.e. for previous scores in Singapore, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka 2024

Of course, you can use old score but it all depends on the colleges you applied to.

If you want your old scores, you should request archived results. 

You can request them by phone or mail.


The standard fee for additional report requests applies to each score included in the order.

It costs $31

What is the cost of SAT Question-and-Answer Service in Singapore, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka 2024

This service provides the test questions from the specified test you took, the correct answers, scoring instructions, and a form you can use to order a copy of your answer sheet. 

The question and answer service is not available for every Test administration. 

It costs $18 

Online SAT Exam registration guide and how to send your Score to colleges.

What is the cost of SAT Student Answer Service in Singapore, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka 2024

This service provides a list of question types from the specified test you took; whether you answered the question correctly or incorrectly, or omitted the answer; and the level of difficulty. 

Multiple-choice hand score verification

When hand scoring of a multiple-choice score is requested, your entire answer sheet will be manually reviewed 

you can't request verification of scores for a single section on the Test or just one of several Subject taken on the same date.

It costs $13.50 

What is the cost of SAT hand score verification f
or SAT only in Singapore, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka 2024


If you order hand score verification, you will no longer see the full online score report, and you won't have access to the Student Answer Service or Question and Answer Service for your hand scored answer sheet.

Test without Essay hand score verification costs $55

What is the cost of SAT Essay hand score verification in Singapore, India, Nigeria and Sri Lanka 2024

This verification determines whether there was an error made in the scanning or processing of the essay scores assigned by essay readers. 

If an error is found, your adjusted score is automatically reported and your fee is refunded 

Test Essay hand score verification cost $55


Click HERE to start online SAT prep any where you are in the world with just $1!!! Hurry !!!Limited offer!!!

What is the cost of additional SAT score report request in US 2024

All other additional reports apart from the free four will require this fee for every score sent.


It costs $12

What is the cost of SAT rush order in US 2024

If you request rush service, your score reports will typically be sent to colleges within one to two business days (not counting holidays and weekends).

It costs $31

What is the cost of sending SAT Scores by phone in US 2024

Scores sent by phone are released according to the same schedule as online result even though they are received late. 


It costs $15 per call in USA

To get your score by phone, call Customer Service. 

You will need your test registration number (printed on your admission ticket), your birth date, a credit card number, and the card's expiration date. 

How to request archived (older) scores order services in USA 2024

If you want your old test reports, you should request archived scores.


You can request them by phone or mail.


What is SAT Question-and-Answer Service in USA 2024

This service provides the test questions from the specified test you took, the correct answers, scoring instructions, and a form you can use to order a copy of your answer sheet.

PS - The Question and Answer service is not available for every Test administration 

What is the cost of SAT Student Answer Service in USA 2024

This service provides a list of question types from the specified test you took; whether you answered the question correctly or incorrectly, or omitted the answer; and the level of difficulty. 


This service costs $13.50

What is Multiple-choice SAT hand score verification in USA 2024

When hand scoring of a multiple-choice score is requested, your entire answer sheet will be manually reviewed you can't request verification of scores for a single section on the Test or just one of several Subject taken on the same date.

What is the cost of SAT (without Essay) hand score verification order in USA 2024

If you order hand score verification, you will no longer see the full online score report, and you won't have access to the Student Answer Service or Question-and-Answer Service for your hand scored answer sheet. 

This service costs $55

Is fee reduction available during SAT registration in USA 2024 

Yes, fee reduction available during registration.

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