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TOEIC score report, registration fees, and prep guide review

TOEIC score report, registration fees, and preparation guide review in Australia

TOEIC score report, registration fees, and prep guide review

When you hear TOEIC, the first thing that comes to your mind is TOEFL

Both are English proficiency test employed by schools, for admission, organizations for work and embassy for visa approval into any developed English speaking country within the world. 

TOEIC is an abbreviation of Test of English for international communication.

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What is TOEIC Test Types?

There are two (2) types namely -

  1. Listening and Reading.
  2. Speaking and Writing.

  • Listening and Reading

It's a fair and valid assessment of English-language listening and reading skills for the workplace. 

Employers worldwide use the Test to work out who can communicate effectively in English across borders and cultures with coworkers and clients. 

Through a secure testing and scoring process, ETS ensures that people have an equivalent experience regardless of the place and time. 

No body is treated unfairly or specially, Test scores remain fair and comparable across administrations questions supported real-life work situations provide an accurate evaluation of your ability to speak in English.
  • Speaking and Writing 

It's valid assessments of English-language speaking and writing skills for the workplace. 

It's tests also can be taken separately. 

When taken along side with Listening and Reading test, they complement one another and supply a reliable measurement of all four English-language communication skills. 

Through a secure testing and scoring process, ETS ensures that people have an equivalent experience regardless of the place and time. 

No body is treated unfairly or special.

Test scores remain fair and comparable across administrations questions supported real-life work situations provide an accurate evaluation of your ability to speak in English


Is Toeic hard for non-English speaking Test-Takers in Australia, Canada, UK, USA, New Zealand?

It helps to checkmate your English communication in everyday life.

700+ score is not difficult as the test has its sample and if you follow practice Test 700+ score won’t be hard to achieve.


How is the TOEIC scored in USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other countries around the world?

Questions from 1 to 5 are valued on a scale of 0 to 3

Questions from 6 to 7 are valued on a scale of 0 to 4

Questions 8 are valued on a scale of 0 to 5

The sum of the ratings is changed to a score that scales from 0 to 200

Nine proficiency levels are provided

Correlated to CEFR levels: A1 to C1


How do I study for TOEIC in USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other countries around the world?

  1. Set a target as you decide to partake in the Test.
  2. Understand it before you start to prepare
  3. Prepare a suitable study plan for the Test
  4. Use your study time appropriately
  5. Develop strong vocabulary
  6. Forget about your weak points
  7. Get rid of anything distracting you
  8. Believe your instincts while you study



How much does TOEIC test cost in United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other countries around the world?

The test fee for public testing duration in the United States is $75

Other cost may apply for sending scores to USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other countries around the world.


Does TOEIC expire in United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and other countries around the world?

It's scores expires after two (2) years. 

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Can I take the TOEIC Test online in USA, UK, Canada, Australia?

Actually, you can only register listening and Reading exam online at 'www. ets. org'. 

but before you register, make sure that you have a copy of your ID, bank card, personal details ready.

Which TOEIC Test should I take in USA, UK, Canada, Australia?

You can choose between three (3) Tests to measure your skills. 

You can measure your listening and reading skills depending on your proficiency level from beginner to intermediate level and you can also take the bridge test from intermediate to advanced level. 

You can as well take the listening and reading Test.

Which is easier between TOEIC and IELTs in USA, UK, Canada, Australia?

IELTs is for people who want to study abroad or emigrate to an English speaking country, where as TOEIC is more for work and business purposes. 

IELTs seems to be more popular among students from south America and middle east while Japanese and French often choose the TOEIC. 

Is TOEIC useful in USA, UK, Canada, Australia?

It's result plays an important part in entering large companies and high scores can help secure new promotions and business opportunities. 

companies often connect high scores to high performance level and aptitude, making graduates who scored well are more likely to succeed in starting their careers.

Is TOEIC free in USA, UK, Canada, Australia?

Anybody can do the free test up to three times. 

Each requires thirty (30) minutes and contains reading and listening questions.

Is TOEIC accepted in USA, UK, Canada, Australia?

Off course, most degree programs in universities accepts TOEIC over TOEFL or IELTs but applicants must take the reading and listening. 

while some other universities even ask people to take the three (3) Tests.

Is TOEIC popular in USA, UK, Canada, Australia?

TOEIC was developed by ETS, the same company that developed the TOEFL too. 

It's mostly used by companies. 

It's popular in japan, Taiwan, Korea and fast growing in Europe.

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