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www. Crypto Trader. Tax step-by-step account sign-up guide

www. Crypto Trader. Tax step-by-step account sign-up guide 

www. Crypto Trader. Tax step-by-step account sign-up

It's based as a niche product that makes it easy to calculate the tax of all Crypto-currency transactions.

It doesn’t just support crypto-currency trading but facilitates tax preparation. 

It also calculates taxes for mining, interest, airdrops, forks, staking alongside the trading activity.

It was founded in 2017 by David Kemmerer.


How Crypto Trader Tax was introduced?

Crypto-currency is referred to as 'virtual or digital asset' still yet internal revenue service (IRS) treats it as a property. 

Whenever you trade cryptocurrency i.e. selling one currency for another, the transaction will likely be taxed.

Ever since the internal revenue service (IRS) disclosed its official cryptocurrency tax guidance and began cracking down on investors, Crypto Trader Tax calculators became a tool

PS - Interest earned on cryptocurrency is taxed as ordinary income.

How to sign-up www Crypto Trader Tax account?

www. Crypto Trader. Tax step-by-step account sign-up

Home-page with the 'Sign-up' tab

www. Crypto Trader. Tax step-by-step account sign-up

Log into their website at www. Crypto Trader. Tax with a Phone or laptop browser. 

At the right upper sides of the website click 'Sign-up' to create an account.

                                                                                  Then, type your email address. 

Type your password and confirm your password.

How does www Crypto Trader Tax Works?

There are Steps to Prepare Cryptocurrency Taxes as follows -

  1. Import the Cryptocurrency Trades
  2. Add Cryptocurrency Income
  3. Generate Your Tax Report 
  4. File Your Cryptocurrency Taxes

  • Import the Cryptocurrency Trades

This starts by importing your cryptocurrency trading history from all years and from all exchange platforms like www c h a n g e l l y com, www liquid com, www K u Coin com and other exchanges into the app. 

The tax company will automatically establish cost basis and fair market value for these transactions using historical data.

  • Add cryptocurrency Income

Add any historical crypto income such as mining, gifts, or even exchange rewards like airdrops. 

If none of these apply to you, this step can be 

www. Crypto Trader. Tax step-by-step account sign-up


  • Generate Your Tax Report

Once all of your transaction history has been imported, the final step is to review your data and generate your report.

  • File Your Crypto Taxes 

After your report is generated, you can simply import it into your favorite software such as TurboTax or Tax Act to file yourself or send it off to your accountant to handle for you.

If you are someone who only sold one coin, on one exchange, one-time last year, you almost certainly don’t need software 

This tax company features a great guide that shows readers the way tax accounting is done on their own. 

You will search the US Dollar value of that transaction and add it to a Schedule on your own.

How Much Does www Crypto Trader Tax Cost?

There are four pricing tiers. 

The difference between the prices is that the number of transactions each tier supports. 

Each level creates a Form '8949' for users, capital gains reports, minimizes taxes through it's loss harvesting, and may be directly exported to Turbo Tax and Tax Act. 

These four (4) pricing tiers are as follows -

  1. Hobbyist 
  2. Day - trader 
  3. High volume trader 
  4. Unlimited

  • Hobbyist

Number of Trades - up to 100
Price - $49 USD
features - Live chat support

  • Day- trader

Number of Trades - up to 1500
Price - $99 USD
features - Live chat support

  • High volume trader

Number of Trades - up to 5000
Price - $199 USD
features - main supports

  • Unlimited 

Number of Trades - up to
Price - $299 USD
features - main support

PS - you can import your data to for free of charge. 

You simply need to make just one initial payment and you will able to view and download your full report. 

The corporate also offers a 14 day a refund guarantee. 

Within that period, you will be eligible for a full reimbursement if you are not satisfied together with your report.

Is www Crypto Trader Tax worth It?

It's for active crypto-currency traders because a lot of them don't keep detailed records that allow them to get these reports on their own.

What are the www Crypto Trader Tax features 


It allows cryptocurrency traders to link with dozens of exchanges and wallets.

It has three (3) features as follows below -

  1. Exchange integrations
  2. Capital gains report
  3. General reports

  • Exchange integrations

No matter which crypto exchange platform you trade with, you need to be ready to connect it and import your trading data. 

Once your data has been imported, www Crypto Trader Tax helps to classify transactions as either capital gains or ordinary income transactions.

  • Capital gains report

It establishes a Fair market price for every relevant transaction. 

This means that www Crypto Trader Tax converts the worth of the transaction from Cryptocurrency to US Dollars. 

Finally, it transfers the income to forms which will be reported on your tax software.

  • Reports

It offers built in integrations with Tax Act and Turbo Tax or the forms it creates can simply be handed off to any tax preparer.

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