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Ethereum Tutorials for beginners

Ethereum Tutorials for beginners

Ethereum Tutorials for beginners

What is Ethereum in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?


Ethereum was created to enable software developers to build, publish smart contracts and distributed applications (d a p p s) 

This application can be used without the risks of downtime, fraud or interference from a third party

It's used to power applications that do everything from automate financial services. 

It allows software developers to create games and business applications called distributed applications (d a p p s) and market them to users. 

Those users want to take advantage of the relative lack of risks that come with storing sensitive information on the World-Wide Web.

Is Cryptocurrency legal in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

Yes! Cryptocurrency is legal. 

Although, some states and region don’t just allow their citizens get involved in it unless they obtain a license.

Is trading Cryptocurrency illegal in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

It is not illegal in some states and regions because cryptocurrency trading platforms obtain licenses from the government. 

These platforms are also regulated by well-known finance regulatory bodies.

Is a non-US alien required to pay taxes (to IRS) in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

United States of America has declared cryptocurrencies as taxable assets same as real estate properties.

Is it possible to convert Ethereum (or cryptocurrencies) in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

c h a n g e l l y allows you to convert bitcoin into Ethereum or any other kind of cryptocurrency and vice versa.

p a x f u l allows you to convert bitcoin to tether, Ethereum, or any other kind of cryptocurrency and vice versa. 

Is it legal in the USA to trade other cryptocurrencies in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

Yes! If a crypto-currency exchange trading platform is licensed and allowed to operate in any country, then they are automatically legal to trade.

Is it possible for Ethereum to become a legal currency in the in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

Not now but some investors, entrepreneurs and top business owners are gradually embarrassing cryptocurrency as part of their product purchasing currency. 

For instance, E l o n Musk purchased 1.5 Billion USD ($1,000,000,000) worth of bitcoin for his Telsa electric cars company and others. 

He is a strong promoter of d o g e coin cryptocurrency and the force behind the increase in the price in the market. 

An online business can easily accept Ethereum by adding it to its other payment options.

P S - T e l s a Company is giving out free electric cars when you create a bit s t a r z com account

How can I buy Ethereum as a non-US resident in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

You can buy it through any cryptocurrency trading platforms from anywhere in the world.

All you have to do is to provide the trading company with any document they need to enable them verify your account and for security measures (K Y C verification and 2 F A authentication)

How to create your own cryptocurrency exchange in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

Be sure that the country allows individuals to own a cryptocurrency trading platforms

Then, you enquire from investors to know how to go about it. 

After getting the right information, then you need to seek for funding by sharing you business plan with a reliable person who is willing to invest into the plan. 

At this point, you have received funds to launch it.

lastly, it’s time to engage social media influencers, popular figures and advertisement in other to get known and test how saturated the market is.

How can a US citizen buy Ethereum in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

You can buy Ethereum through any cryptocurrency trading platforms

All you have to do is to provide the crypto platform with any document they need to enable them verify your account and for security measures 

(K Y C verification and 2 F A authentication)

How to safely buy Ethereum as a minor in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

You can buy Ethereum even as a minor at any trusted cryptocurrency trading platform

All you need to do is to create a Gmail account for your registration and provide the required documents for verification to avoid scam or hackers.

How do I pay tax for trading cryptocurrency in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

I R S stated around March 2014 that all virtual currencies including Ethereum would be taxed as property rather than currency. 

They are taxed through c r y p t o t r a d e r tax

How do I buy Ethereum in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

You can buy bitcoins through any cryptocurrency trading platforms 

All you have to do is to provide the trade company with any document they need to enable them verify your account and for security measures. 

(K Y C verification and 2 F A authentication)

How do I buy cryptocurrency in United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

All you have to do is to provide the trading company with any document they need to enable them verify your account and for security measures. 

(K Y C verification and 2 F A authentication)

Can you invest in a 1 USD Ethereum in United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

You can invest into lending and borrowing with k u coin

But it depends on the cryptocurrency trading platforms

Can a US F1 visa holder purchase an Ethereum legally in United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

You can buy It through any cryptocurrency trading platforms

All you have to do is to provide the crypto-currency platform with any document they need to enable them verify your account and for security measures. 

(K Y C verification and 2 F A authentication)

Do criminals use Ethereum to hide their money in United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

There are so many reports of dating website scammers diverting their proceeds from victims into cryptocurrency wallet to avoid been caught and arrested by anti-corrupt bodies. 

Do you feel that Ethereum (cryptocurrency) has much of a future in United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

Yes! It has a future

Which crypto currency platform can F1 students buy cryptocurrencies in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

You can buy Ethereum through crypto-currrency exchange trading platform

All you have to do is to provide the crypto platform with any document they need to enable them verify your account and for security measures. 

(K Y C verification and 2 F A authentication)

How isn’t Ethereum a threat to the US dollar in United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

It's threat because its market cap is huge

According to most investor's prediction cryptocurrency particularly Ethereum is one of the most traded assets in this present age and it's global currency is USD dollars

How are cryptocurrencies taxed in United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada?

They are taxed through c r y p t o t r a d e r tax

It will show you how crypto-currencies are taxed

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