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How to improve your GMAT verbal score

How to improve your GMAT verbal score

The Graduate Management Admission Test is a vital step for many individuals aspiring to pursue a graduate degree in business administration. 

Comprising sections on Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning, the GMAT evaluates various skills essential for success in business school. 

Among these, the Verbal Reasoning section often proves to be a challenging hurdle for many test-takers. 

Strategies to improve GMAT verbal score are as follows:

1.)  Understand the Exam Structure:

Before delving into preparation, it's essential to understand the structure of the GMAT Verbal section. 

It consists of three types of questions: 

Reading Comprehension 
Critical Reasoning 
Sentence Correction 

Each question type requires a different approach, so familiarizing yourself with these formats is vital.

2.)  Build Vocabulary:

A robust vocabulary is fundamental for success in the Verbal section. 

Expand your vocabulary by reading extensively, focusing on various genres such as newspapers, magazines, academic articles, and literature. 

Make it a habit to note down unfamiliar words and their meanings, and regularly review and integrate them into your vocabulary.

3.) Practice Reading Comprehension:

Reading Comprehension questions assess your ability to understand and analyze written material. 

Practice reading complex passages from a variety of sources and summarizing their main ideas. 

Pay attention to the author's tone, arguments, and supporting evidence. 

Additionally, practice identifying the main idea, purpose, and tone of each paragraph within the passage.

4.) Master Critical Reasoning:

Critical Reasoning questions evaluate your ability to evaluate arguments and draw logical conclusions. 

Develop your critical thinking skills by analyzing arguments in everyday situations, identifying assumptions, weaknesses, and strengths. 

Practice recognizing common argument structures such as strengthen, weaken, assumption, inference, and evaluate.

5.) Excel in Sentence Correction:

Sentence Correction questions test your grammar, syntax, and sentence structure skills. 

Brush up on grammar rules and conventions, paying special attention to commonly tested topics such as subject-verb agreement, pronoun usage, parallelism, and modifiers. 

Practice identifying errors within sentences and selecting the most grammatically correct option.

6.)  Time Management:

Time management is critical during the GMAT Verbal section. 

Allocate specific time limits for each question type and practice pacing yourself accordingly. 

If you encounter a challenging question, don't dwell on it for too long. 

Instead, mark it for review and move on to the next question. 

Utilize any remaining time to revisit marked questions and make educated guesses if necessary.

7.) Utilize Official Practice Materials:

Utilize official practice materials, including past exam papers and practice tests, to familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types. 

Analyze your performance to identify areas of weakness and focus your preparation accordingly. 

Additionally, consider investing in reputable preparation books and resources that offer comprehensive strategies and practice questions specifically tailored to the Verbal section.

8.) Seek Professional Guidance:

Consider enrolling in a preparation course or hiring a private tutor to receive expert guidance and personalized feedback. 

Experienced instructors can provide valuable insights, strategies, and resources to help you improve your verbal score effectively.

9.) Practice, Practice, Practice: 

Consistent and targeted practice is key to improving your GMAT Verbal score. 

Set aside dedicated study sessions each day to focus on verbal skills, and regularly review and reinforce your knowledge and strategies. 

The more you practice, the more confident and proficient you will become in tackling Verbal section questions.

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